It is December and the rush to submit claims before the end of 2019 is in full-swing.
While preparing your claim to submit via mail or email, please remember that the receipt / invoice from your health care provider needs the proper OEBAC claim form to be attached. The form must be signed by the member and include the Certificate #.
Without the form attached to your invoice, OEBAC cannot complete your request. This causes long delays in processing your claim and in assisting other members.
Claim forms can be found at Please do not use old Global Benefits claim forms.
If you do not have a printer, please contact your Area Office to request a form be sent to you.
If you are submitting via the OEBAC Mobile App or OEBAC Online, you do not need to complete a claim form.
NOTE: please keep your receipts for 18-months. This goes for all claims, no matter how you submit to OEBAC.
Have a happy and safe Holiday Season.
The OEBAC Team